Episode 3.2 Cake Smash!
One thing made clear in my observation of children over the years is their liberation from all agendas outside of their own. You could plan a tea party fit for a queen for your tiny-tot but if they rather play with dirt that day then you and the queen better roll up your pants and prepare to get muddy.
That being said the miniature models are always the most unpredictable we’ve ever had on set. Case in point: when we heard for this particular shoot we’d be capturing a soon-to-be one year old smashing a cake, we thought at least we don’t have to worry about behaviour because the very nature of the shoot was misbehaviour. Right? Not so right. Little did we know we’d be blessed with the least destructive child in the infant-verse. Normally we’d welcome tidiness on set, especially on our sparkling white backdrop but we spent the majority of the shoot encouraging our adorable subject to make a mess. We did manage to get one good smash from her along with some awww-inducing smiles until with a defiant wail she let us know our time was up.
This shoot also gave us a chance to work on our decorative skills (good practice for the holidays). With two light stands and a dream we were able to create our own little birthday haven with decorations supplied by mom.
Major thanks to Chaneel for allowing us to capture her little one - it was quite the adventure and to Charmaine who was a great help in keeping our tiny talent looking in the general vicinity of the camera (a task more difficult than you can imagine).
Hope the images bring you all the joy of a care-free one year old whose only concern is eating a giant cupcake shaped cake :-)