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Episode 2.8 Sports Sandwich

This might just be the year that some of us make the transition from behind the camera to in front of it. I for one am making the proverbial leap and getting a taste of my own medicine. Being in front of a camera can be nerve-racking but I think what makes it easier is when you have something important to say or you find yourself doing something you love to do - and well you opt to zero in on that and not the ginormous lights pointed at your forehead.

Some backstory on the subject of this shoot - Shajuneé has been one of our go-to production assistants for about 2 years now. When I say she is the best, I mean she is the absolute best. She can disassemble a light stand, rig up a camera and swap out a lens in a single bound. Yup, she’s also been known to bring me exactly what I want on set before I even have the chance to utter the request. Shaj also is a super involved volleyball player, so when we dreamt up a shoot to explain sandwich lighting for the “Ask the Camera Guy” web-show, (airing this Thursday October 18th) she just seemed like the perfect fit for the part. Surprise Surprise, she actually said sure no problem and we were off to the races, I mean studio, for a super punchy sporty photoshoot.

Shajuneé was great. We did about 112 poses and I honestly think she nailed all of them. See for yourself. Thanks again Shaj - you rock!


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